26 Feb 2018

Cannot stop watching mechanical linkages

I think everyone has something that attracts them. For me, it's machines. If it has several gears, it would be more attractive to me.
When I was small, there was a shop which baked and sold Imagawayaki. Imagawayaki is Japanese sweets; it's like a waffle that contains sweet azuki beans paste inside. The shop I liked had wide windows facing the main street of the shopping mall and pedestrians could see the entire progress of the Imagawayaki being made. I found a video of a similar machine on YouTube. Here is the video below.


There were lots of different parts which moved differently on the Imagawayaki machine and each of them looked very interesting. I could watch it until my mother became bored and said, "You've watched it enough, haven't you?"

I was a kid that had a little strange habit. I preferred to watch the washing machine moving as well. I said "It's rotating, rotating!" and my mother said, "Of course, it's rotating, it's a washing machine."

To me, the attractiveness that machine had was how each part of machine moved and to know what for. Some parts hold the Imagawayaki batter until it's baked, some parts squeezed the sweet azuki beans paste, and the most interest process was the last part where two burnt batters were attached to put it together. That last part was the highlight of the whole process.

Looking back now, I can understand why I liked that machine so much. I like mechanical linkage and gears. Therefore, I'm interested in automation as well. I feel like making an automata someday.

Here are two books I bought several years ago. One is "507 Mechanical Movements" and the other one is a Japanese book "Encyclopedia of the mechanism." There are various types of linkages and gears in the books. I like to look at the pages of these books and once I start, I cannot stop looking at them. 
I hope that it's not just looking at books; I would also like to make something interesting in the future.

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